Friday, June 5, 2009


Steve Martin and Paul Simon on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon.

this clip is everything I love about live tv. It made me laugh out loud, it made me a little uncomfortable a couple of times, and, you know...Steve Martin.


Well done, Conan

I love Conan O'Brien. Jay Leno has never made me laugh out loud. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that I was excited for the new incarnation of the Tonight Show. As far as late night tv goes, I wasn't a regular watcher of Leno or Letterman. I thought David Letterman had a much better show by miles, but for me I would generally tune in when a guest I enjoyed was on. Late Night With Conan O'Brien was the only late night talk show that I would generally watch all the way through.

I watched the first two episodes of Conan's Tonight Show this week and happy to see that what I love about Conan translated so well into the new time slot. First of all, that set is GORGEOUS. I love love love it. I love the way Conan relates to his guests, the way he makes you feel like you are watching as two old friends are catching up. There is so much I want to say about why I think Conan O'Brien is the perfect choice for the Tonight Show, and so many responses to the critics who think that Jay's shoes are too big to fill and that people don't "get" Conan's humor, but this post on the best week ever blog, written by Dan Hopper in response to a review printed in the New York Post, does it so much more brilliantly than I could ever attempt.

read on!


I love So You Think You Can Dance. I love the level of talent that is represented on the show. The dedication, the passion and the commitment of these dancers is so moving to watch. It's always hard to see a favorite from the early auditions get cut before making it to top 20. Having said that...I think the judges made a HUGE mistake this season and I'm really quite upset about it.

Last season, we met Natalie, a beautiful dancer who came to the audition with her roomate/best friend Katie. In the end, there was room for only one of them in the top 20, and Katie moved on to be one of my favorite things about the show. In fact, I think she should have won. Flash forward to this season. I was so excited to see Natalie again. I was thrilled when her solo proved my memory to be right on the money, that I had not built her ability up in my head after all. She's that good. She made Sonya cry. The judges were blown away. Game on.

In Vegas, she breezed through early rounds and then during the Jazz choreography by Sonya, she was singled out by the choreographer who told the other dancers "you wanna see what I like?? Natalie and Brandon, will you come forward and show everyone?". Somehow when performing that EXACT choreography in front of the judges, they were not impressed. Even if she didn't blow them away, I don't think anyone could have argued her ability overall. Then the judges gave her that "we expected more from you" crap. It's not fair to have different standards for different dancers. At that moment, she was eliminated. Just like that, they sent her home. ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME???? Everyone was shocked, including Sonya, who did NOTHING to defend Natalie.

Throughout the next hour and a half we watched a lot of dancers stumble and disappoint, and almost ALL of them got a second chance. They were able to perform either the same choreography again or their own solo in order to 'dance for their life'. Good for them, some of them really deserved it. So did Natalie. GRRRRRR.

Anyway, the top 20 looks like an interesting mix this year, including a really cute, young male dancer that I don't remember seeing before they told him he was through to the show. I am really really happy that Evan made it to the top 20 this year because he is a breath of fresh air. I can't wait to see who they pair up together!!!

Thursday, May 21, 2009


So excited.

So very very excited.

that's all.


On Tuesday night, I watched the highly anticipated premiere of Glee on FOX. Before watching on the West Coast, I saw that some of my East Coast friends on Facebook were not thrilled by the first episode. I prepared myself for the inevitable disappointment. After all, I had been really looking forward to this show - I loved the promos for it, the concept and well...the singing! I also was grateful that there would be new, scripted television to watch during the summer.

I have to say...maybe because I let down my expectations or maybe i'm a sucker who is easily manipulated, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! Yes, some of the dialogue between the adults was a little cheesy, but this is the exact type of show for the celebration of cheese!

Perhaps I am a little close to the subject matter, but I really love that there is a show about the artsy kids in high school for once. I have seen so many shows about jocks and cheerleaders, or rich kids who listen to Coldplay and sleep around, or at-risk kids who walk through gang wars and metal detectors to get to school and it's refreshing to see a show that reminds me of what I loved about high school. Yes, I had a very unique high school experience, going to a performing and visual arts school that nurtured BOTH sides of my brain equally. There were no official sports teams, no cheerleaders, no prom king and queen. We didn't have homecoming or pep rallies. But there was music; the sounds of the piano emanating from the ballet studio, overhearing singers warming up while on your way to trig, and the orchestra playing the overture to the musical that ran for 2 weeks (sold out). and oh, how we danced. The school had an art gallery and a black-box theater with an entire stage crew of eager drama students fulfilling their tech requirements before they could ever walk across the stage. There were teachers that understood that a well-rounded education is more than what can be measured by a standardized test.

This is another thing I enjoyed about this show. The teachers. They have issues. Some are just punching a clock, which is sadly true way too often in public schools. And there's the one teacher who sees these oddball, drama geeks and can't seem to let them disappear, the way everyone else is happy to do. He sees something great in them and encourages them to be who they are and be heard. I get it. I eat that shit up.

Is this really the same network that gave us Moment Of Truth?

Thursday, May 7, 2009


I have a headache from watching tonight's episode.

Monday, May 4, 2009


Anyone else super excited for this show????

First of all, I am glad to have a scripted show to watch over the summer.

Take a look at 2 of the trailers and try not to smile. I dare you.

Jake and I are going to see a premiere screening of it on the 11th. I'll let you know what we think!!

Any Dream Will Do

Is anyone watching this??

Any Dream Will Do on BBCAmerica is the search for the lead in the West End Revival of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. Basically, it's "Grease: You're the One That I Want" only more...British. They seem to be showing a marathon of it every weekend on BBC America, and it's really good 'bad TV'. Just a warning, watch it with a DVR delay, because you may want to fast forward through some of the more horrendous performances (and they are not uncommon). It's worth it just for the creepy and weird candid camera shots of Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber as he is watching these earnest young men sing both pop ballads and musical theater tunes. Also, they have totally raised the reality tv bar on humiliating the loser at the end of each episode. Take a look. This happens each time a "Joseph" is eliminated.

Now, since I couldn't find/choose a creepy Andrew Lloyd Webber moment from THIS show, here his is flirting with David Cook on American Idol and making everyone uncomfortable.

BEA ARTHUR 1922 - 2009

This post is long overdue, but travels and then after-travel catching up have not given me much time to post lately. Either way, it would be inexcusable for me to not pay some small tribute to a television legend who brought so much joy and laughter into my life.

Mostly known for her TV roles as the title role in Maude and Dorothy Zbornak on the Golden Girls, Bea Arthur was also a Tony Award winner for her performance as Vera Charles in Mame, a role she also reprised in the film version of the musical.

Here's to you, Dorothy.

and here's hoping that Estelle and Bea are together again, eating cheesecake on a cloud somewhere...

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pam's breakdown

In the first of 2 all new episodes of The Office tonight, Pam finally had a bit of a freakout about quitting her job and following Michael into what seems like the hopeless Michael Scott Paper Company. Now that I've seen her freak out a little and realize exactly what she did by giving up her steady gig at Dunder Mifflin, I can totally buy the rest of the story line.

Also, as someone who is about to venture into starting a small business of my own, these two episodes made me freak out a little bit. I saved the episode where the MSPC has their first investor meeting (with Nana), because Nana asked some good questions, questions that I need to answer. Also, Pam gave me a lot to think about with her list-making. Thanks for that, guys.

Just when I was questioning my own sanity for wanting to start something up in these harsh economic times, I saw a glimmer of hope. When Pam made that first sale (oops, spoiler alert!) I thought to myself if Michael Scott and Pam Beasley can land their first client on day one (no, i'm not giving Ryan any credit here), ANYTHING is possible!

yes. i know this is all make-believe. let me have it.

Parks and Recreation

quick thoughts:

I'm becoming a bigger Rashida Jones fan all the time.

This show is CLEARLY made by "the people who brought you "The Office".

Amy Poehler...yes.

Aziz Ansari...double yes.

Pretty funny, can't wait to see more.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

I can't even think of a clever title i'm so bored

The most interesting thing to happen on American Idol last night was that nobody told poor Paula that she had lipstick on her teeth the whole time.


Ok, there were cute baby photos of the contestants that made me feel old, because I can remember watching the music videos for most of the songs that came out in the YEAR THEY WERE BORN.

So my quick opinions in a nutshell (which haven't changed much):

I still love Danny, Allison and Anoop. I think Kris and Matt are also really talented, and Scott too, but the other three are still my favorites. Here's why. With Danny, first of all, I just really enjoy hearing him sing. His voice is refreshingly different and he's just so sincere. I totally believe him all the time. Allison is just fantastic. She always sounds so good, her voice is so strong - for a 16 year old or ANY age - she just wails. She's also original without being manufactured. She's just a cool-ass teenage girl with confidence who can take criticism in stride. ANOOP! Anoop is fun to watch, and definitely an original in this competition, again without having to try too hard. His voice always surprises me and I just enjoy him so.

I think it's time for Lil' Rounds to go home. Every time she performs, this is my reaction - "meh". She bores the crap out of me and she has yet to really step it up. She has a nice voice, sure, but to be blunt, I find her onstage to be a little, well...dead inside. This is so strange to me because in all of her interviews and video packages, she's always so spunky and sassy. I think she just gets a little nervous on performance night. Which is why she no longer belongs in the competition. This is a search for a superstar, no?

and now we get to the controversial Adam Lambert. I don't know what kind of spell he has on the judges and why he ALWAYS gets to go last or second to last (prime real estate when people are calling in votes for what they remember) but I just don't buy it. YES, for pete's sake, I know he is a fantastic singer. His performance last night was lovely. I am just so over his whole manufactured persona. I just don't see what kind of album he would put out or in what market they would package him. I just don't think he's God's gift to American Idol. ugh.

Oh, I also really like Scott - and not because he is blind. I think he is interesting and every week I wonder what's coming next from him.

Monday, April 6, 2009

ER - thoughts on a finale

I am a big fan of series finales. I have even been known to watch the series finale of a show or two that I have never watch, just to see how they wrap it all up. So, naturally I was all in for the ER finale, a show that I have been watching since high school.

The one-hour retrospective before the finale was made for me. I am a complete sucker for stuff like that. Show me old clips, remind me of the good times, the sad times, the wacky times, etc. Show me cast members past and present talking about the show, the behind the scenes antics and even have one or two of them get emotional. I'm hooked. I am on my couch with the oreos and the tissues and I am your prisoner for the next 3 hours.

There are a few things I look for in my finales, and ER delivered.

First of all, I love it when a finale throws back to elements of the pilot episode. It's a nice way to bookend the series. I loved the shot at the begining of the episode with Morris, asleep in the break room was called awake to duty by the same nurse that woke up a sleeping Dr. Green in the pilot. This is a good sign.

In another nod to the pilot, we have of course a brand new, young, fresh faced intern (played by Alexis Bledel - don't even get me started on HER) on her first night at the ER. Much like Dr. Carter's first shift in the premiere episode, Dr. Rory has some good moments but also gets overwhelmed. She gets close to a family after the mother comes in and gives birth to a set of premature twins, and needing an emergency operation. The twins are allright - win! The mother however, does not make it - fail. At the end of the 2 hour finale, Dr. Traveling Pants (keep up, folks) tells Dr. Brenner that maybe she's not cut out for this and he gives her the pep talk, much like the one Dr. Green gave to baby John Carter in the first. Bookends, see??

Ok, then of course for the true blue fans like me (and my mom) they brought back old faces like Dr. Benton, Dr. Corday, Dr. Weaver and Dr. Susan. I don't know why I can't ever remember her character's last name, because everyone always just calls her Susan. Everyone is in town for different reasons, but they are all gathered at the opening of the Joshua Carter Center at University Hospital. I hate when a character leaves a show and you never hear about them again, especially in a workplace drama. It's nice to know that although these people don't see each other often or at all, they are still connected and are there for each other for big life events.

I love that not EVERYONE came back in the same episode. In a previous episode we saw Dr. Ross (CLOONEY!) and Nurse Carol Hathaway, but they didn't come back for a visit. We got to observe them in their new lives in Seattle. We didn't have to see them reunited with everyone, we just got a glimpse of their life and we know they are ok. I even love that the two people from County that were sent to Seattle for organs were Neela and Sam, who didn't know Ross and Hathaway from Adam. Life goes on. If I went back to my old job from 8 years ago, I wouldn't know 99% of the people that work there now. That's how it goes. I also LOVE LOVE LOVE that Dr. Ross didn't know that the kidney he convinced the accident victim's grandmother to donate was for his good friend John Carter!

Ok, back to the finale. I also am not a big fan of rushing a couple that was once together but is now apart to get back together and be perfect and happy for the finale. I mean, we all knew Rachel was gonna get off the plane, but Carrie didn't HAVE TO end up with Big after all of his...well, that's another rant for another day. So I really love how the writers started planting seeds for a Sam/Gates reunion, but never forced that moment where they ran to each other and threw their arms around each other in a fit of passion! Instead, there was just this really lovely moment when, as they were observing an old man grieving for the love of his life for over 70 years, Sam just quietly reached her hand out and held Gates' hand. That's it. A nice sign that they might be able to work things out, or just her way of letting him now that she still cares. I don't need to know that it will be happily ever after, just that these two crazy kids might just have a prayer.

So now we get to my FAVORITE part of the finale. RACHEL GREEN! No, not the one from "Friends". Dr. Green's troubled teenage daughter is back! Touring County as a prospective Med student. I love this story. I love that they got the same actress who played her as a teen. I love that lots of people didn't know who she was, but the ones that did (how much do I love Chuny?) were touched to see her. Rachel and her dad had somewhat of a rocky relationship at times and their bonding scenes in Hawaii as Dr. Green was dying still get me choked up. So to see her following in her dad (and stepmom)'s footprints was such a great way to tie together the past and present in the finale.

Ok. One more thing I loved about this finale - the whole 'life goes on' aspect. We weren't witnesses to the end of the story, it continues but we just don't get to see it anymore. No, the hospital was not closing, the staff was not being overhauled no major changes that would end most long running shows. The episode ended as so many began. A large incoming trauma. Doctors in the ambulance area to greet and treat the ambulances and patients that are arriving.

Well done, ER. Thanks for 15 years!!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Pam = Dorothy Boyd

Does this make Michael Dunder Mifflin's Jerry Maguire??

Last night's Office once again made me laugh and also made me uncomfortable. I am a little worried about the future Dunder Mifflin Scranton. Also, I am really done with this Charles guy. Yes, the Scranton branch is a little quirky and time gets wasted on occasion but this guy is just a soul-crushing robot. Of course Angela likes him.

I kind of love that Pam decided to go with Michael. Crazy? maybe. Interesting? yes. I can totally relate to Pam and that feeling of "is there where I want to work for the rest of my life behind this reception desk?". I love that she didn't even realize what she was gonna do until it was happening. It kind of came over her, leading to one of my favorite moments of the episode:

PAM - uh oh.

JIM - what?

PAM - i'm going with him.





seriously. what the hell??? What's gonna happen now that Sayid has shot and (presumably) killed young Ben Linus???? Will it be like in Back To The Future? Will grown-up Ben start to disappear?

Also, I love Hurley.

Why isn't anyone all "where's Sun?" (or "When's Sun?")

and finally, which pairing do you like better - Sawyer/Kate & Jack/Juliette OR Sawyer(LeFleur)/Juliette & Kate/Jack?

discuss all of these questions and more in the comments section!!!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

One More Thing...

American Idol has gone through some changes this season. New judge, new grand entrance for the judges (lame!), and the new "save" rule.

Let's talk about the 'save' rule. I like the concept. Imagine if this rule had existed all along? Season one - Tamayra Gray would NOT have gone home before Nikki McKibbin. Kelly Clarkson still would have won, but you get the idea. I just have one problem with the rule. Once Ryan names the person who has the least amount of votes, this contestant has to sing right then for the judges to prove he/she still deserves to be in the competition. So what do they get to sing? The song that put them in this position in the first place. LAME! It should be like on So You Think You Can Dance, when the bottom 2 each get a chance to dance to stay in the competition. They do a dance in the style of their choice to remind the panel of why they are there in the first place. Last week, Alexis Grace had to repeat her performance of Jolene (which I still think was better than Sarver). The judges said they almost used the save on her but based on that performance, it wasn't good enough. Well, DUH! That's why she's in this position! I think the contestant who is battling for another shot at the competition should be able to sing a song of their choice. Clearly, Alexis Grace has no ambition to be a country star, so why should she get sent home because she sang a mediocre rendition of a Dolly Parton classic?

That's it. That's what I wanted to say. Thoughts?

Well played, Adam Lambert.

I still think Adam Lambert is sort of a douche, but he knows how to play the game. He did exactly the smartest thing he could have done this week. After last week's crazy performance of Ring of Fire that made Trent Reznor want to kill himself, he came into Motown week with a classic, young Elvis look and sang a very understated "Tracks of My Tears". He said to America "I may be a tool with a completely manufactured 'originality', who wears guyliner and masturbates in front of the camera, but also...I can really sing". Good for you. I do think it was a great performance and Paula hit the nail on the head when she talked about how he's really good at the surprise factor. I still don't think that makes him the best.

For my money, the best performance of the night was by Allison. People keep saying she's a great singer for a 16 year old. She's a great singer period. I like her so much better than Adam, because she's so much more genuine, and her voice is different and fresh. She wailed last night on Papa Was A Rolling Stone. And she didn't have to change her whole look to be taken seriously. She doesn't have to distract with spectacle, she always just relies on her skills.

Do people still think Lil' Rounds is a frontrunner? Because she keeps pumping out mediocre performances.

Matt and Kris will be fine, they are both adorable and talented. Danny, who I love, gave a fine performance last night...not his best but still enough to keep him around.

Anoop! I agree with Randy, dawg. You've had two good weeks singing pretty ballads. Let's go back to the fun adorable Anoop, but keeping the strong vocals.

Scott, Scott, Scott. I want to see you do well. I don't know what it is, but I find you awkwardly charming. Please, if you are still around (which you should be - i'm looking at YOU, Sarver!) choose a song that will step it up a bit!

and this brings us to my picks for the bottom two.

Megan - i get it. You're cute, you're quirky, your dancing makes me uncomfortable. Unless next week is Fiona Apple week, I don't see you sticking around much longer, but for this week I have a bigger fish to fry.

Michael Sarver - you seem like a nice guy. You have a nice voice. But you are not a superstar. I really have nothing against you personally, mostly because I don't care enough about you. I usually can't even remember what song you sang 2 minutes after you're done.

Best moment of the night??? Simon draws a moustache on Paula's face.

Friday, March 20, 2009

is that really what HE said?

SPOILER ALERT! if you have not seen yesterday's episode of The Office - look away!

So last night's episode of The Office was funny, as always, but more than anything it made me uncomfortable. I was soooo uncomfortable and anxious for Jim, trying not to look like a jerk in front of the new boss, but somehow just kept digging himself deeper into a hole where Charles, the new boss looks at him the way he looks at Dwight and/or Michael. Granted, this new guy is a robot and completely devoid of ANY humor...which is probably why Angela is so into him.

Ok, so let's get to the big moment at the end of the episode, after the long, awkward scene where Michael realizes how little David Wallace thinks of him. David tells Michael he can have his party, figs and all and he will even attend, which strikes a chord in Michael that at first seems like gratitude, but quickly shifts to possibly the most self-aware Michael Scott moment I can remember in a while. Michael's response to David's concessions?

"I quit".

I actually did not see that coming.

and then, of course in true Michael Scott form, he could not leave well enough alone, declaring as he makes his exit "you have no idea how high I can fly".

what's gonna happen? and where is Toby?

Idol - Opry week

This is gonna be a very short post.

No, Adam Lambert. No. That was not ok.

also...good for Anoop.

Seriously. I want to slap Adam Lambert in the face.

It should have been Michael, not Alexis.

STFU Adam Lambert.

The Real World

Is anyone else watching The Real World: Brooklyn?

Is it just me or is The Real World sort of back? Like, back to what it used to be, the first few seasons before it became sluts-in-a-hot-tub or whiny-sluts-in-their-20s-who-hook-up-and-fight-all-the-time. Once again, it seems that MTV has filled a house with 8 (yes, 8 this season, not 7) completely different personalities with different backgrounds and we are actually seeing "what happens when people stop being polite and start getting REAL!".

Anyone else watching?

Why I'm VH1's bitch.

Vh1. Video Hits 1. I remember when VH1 came out and it showed the videos you probably weren't going to see on MTV (MUSIC television). It was more of a coast-type station, playing the hits of the 70's, 80's and today. Today being the 90's. Now VH1 is the home of some amazing celebreality shows and some really shitty parade of douchebag reality shows.

First of all, my love for VH1 really started with the "I Love The _____" series. Funny people talking about toys and movies and songs I loved and hated growing up. The perfect way to waste a Sunday afternoon. Then VH1 brought us Best Week Ever, which I love. It's what Entertainment Tonight and Extra and all of those shows should have always been from the start.

Vh1 is the home of trashy reality. Some of it I just hate. Some of it I love, and hate that I love. Some I just f-ing love.

Rock of Love. Where do I even begin? I have been a Poison fan since before braces. So of course I watched the first season of Rock Of Love. It was gross and wonderful, just like my breakfast of bacon on a buttered english muffin. Now we are in season 3, this time we are on the road with Bret and the sampler box of strippers, pets, groupies and of course Big John. I am still 2 episodes behind but I absolutely have my favorite. Ashley, with her amazing delivery of such lines as "I'm not just gonna sit here and let this bitch throw chips at my face" and "I want a cheeseburger" won my heart. I hope her tour doesn't end for a long, long time.

Sober House. I love Dr. Drew. I have been invested in this show since season one of Celebrity Rehab. While I have a wide range of feelings about the various participants past and present (Gary Busey...I can't even start), my love for Dr. Drew is what holds it all together for me. Seriously, I love him.

I don't watch Tool Academy or any of the other shows without famous (or somewhat famous) people in them. I'm bored and I don't want to watch douchebags on reality tv unless those douchebags were on sitcoms when I was 12.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

It was just a matter of time

I always knew Kenley from Project Runway was an extra-special kind of crazy.

Also, her fiancee's last name is Penley, which rhymes with Kenley.

ALSO, I need a new season of Project Runway. Now. They need to work that shit out!

reason #345,987 why I love Steve Martin

As a HUGE fan of the great Steve Martin, and someone who has directed many grade school AND high-school age productions of plays written for "grown-ups", this article made my day.

Saturday, March 14, 2009


I know, I just started this blog and already i'm slacking. It's Gay White Oprah's (one of my dearest friends) 30th birthday this week and we have a lot of celebrating to do, which leaves little time for tv watching. It's all accumulating on my tivo and I'll have a lot to say when the merriment has settled.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


no new LOST tonight.


resultzzzzzzzzzzzzz (spoilers)

Tonight's American Idol results show went pretty much as expected. My guesses on the last post were Jasmine and Michael, but I thought if not Michael than Jorge.

Oh and the twist! The shocking twist that will no longer be relevant after tonight. The judges could "save" one of the bottom two, but didn't so it doesn't matter.

Thank goodness for tivo and the fast fwd button so I didn't have to suffer through Seacrest repeating the names of the songs each contestant sang and what the judges thought of them. Also, I didn't have to listen to Kanye. Kelly Clarkson however, was the highlight of the show.

By the way anyone else find the song titles of the booted contestants just a little ironic?
jasmine - "I'll Be There", no you won't.
Jorge - "Never Can Say Goodbye"...I know it's difficult. Just say Adios instead.

Will this be like the season where everyone that wore a hat got kicked off? If you sing a song about being there or longevity you are just kicking yourself in the ass??

American Idol zzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Ok. so here are my thoughts about last night's lame top 13 episode of American Idol.

First of all, I agree with commenter Liz that the best way to watch Idol would be watching the first 8 bars (i will also add the very last note) and then skipping ahead to Simon's comments. However, being the glutton for punishment I am, I had to watch every second of the 1st episode. Ugh.

Let's start with the stupid new entrance of the judges and then Miss Congeniality Seacrest walking down a flight of stairs center stage. No. No no no no no no no. no.

also, Paula looked like she spent a little extra time at the crazy arts and crafts table getting ready for tonight's show. Seriously, feathers AND glitter???

Lil' Rounds was up first. I don't get why the judges seem to be so crazy about her. Yeah, she's a pretty good singer and she has 3 kids, but who doesn't have some kids this season? Lil' sings "The Way You Make Me Feel" (did I mention it's Michael Jackson night?). Poodle and I thought it was bland, boring and just ok. The judges raved. Except for Simon who said it was just ok. Thank you Simon.

So Lil' Rounds set the bar...about waist high.

Next up we have Scott Macintyre. Keeping the Faith. During his intro video package we got to meet his family and find out that his sister is also blind. Then there is a clip of them dancing together. It's the blind leading the blind...literally. Poodle and I make some jokes, and are going to hell because of it. He plays the piano and sings. Not bad. But still, i'm bored.

Ah, Danny Gokey. I enjoy him. His voice is a little different, and I really like it. He isn't a great dancer, but he was feelin' the music and you could tell he came there to win. The judges were impressed with his version of PYT.

Then some more boring people perform. I'm not gonna recap them all. I think all of the female contestants this season have kids, except for the 2 who are kids themselves.

At some point, Simon actually said to a contestant "being an artist is fine - just not on this show". couldn't have said it better myself.

I do like Alexis who sang "Dirty Diana".

My predictions on the 2 who will be eliminated tongiht? Probably Jasmine and Michael.

And i'm still mad that nobody sang the Free Willy song.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuning in...

Here we go, folks. Another blog. Here's the thing. In the past, I have tried to keep regular blogs about dating, or my life, or general daily humor. Many of you have read those blogs. A lot of the time, I wasn't really able to update those blogs too often because...well, life was just not that exciting. I decided to try something new. I watch a lot of tv. I'm an insomniac with a tivo. I watch some really high-quality shows that inspire me and make me think. I also watch VH1 Celeb-reality shows and everything in between. For better or worse, I love the medium of television. It is a friend I have always welcomed into my home and through the best and worst of what it has to offer me, I always have something to say. So here it is. My say. Sometimes I'll tell you what i'm watching and whether or not you should be watching too. I might pick a few shows to recap for you - any suggestions??? I won't recap LOST. I have my reasons. But i'll talk about it. Don't worry...I will always be very conscious about using the phrases "Spoiler Alert!" and "after the jump".

Always feel free to comment. I wanna know what you think and what you're watching.

By the anyone besides me and the boys downstairs (my actual neighbors/friends, not a euphamism) watching RuPaul's Drag Race???? I can't get enough of it.

Now i'm off to watch Days of Our Lives (a daily staple since childhood) and then American Idol. Tuesdays don't bring a wealth of good, scripted primetime television.

Man, I hate the first post. Exposition, exposition, exposition.